Wednesday, August 06, 2008


I am a bit wiped out today due to spending most of last night weeping about a missing cat. The cat, of course, made her grand entrance at very early o'clock this morning and yea verily there was much rejoicing.

In my unhinged state I was convinced any number of horrible fates had befallen my beloved Poppy - she had been catnapped, she had been catnapped and eaten (I told you I was unhinged), she had been run over and killed, she had been run over and left to die a horrible lingering death, she had managed to get herself trapped somewhere... the list went on and on.

I had forgotten just how exhausting a quality weep can be. I feel like I've run a marathon.

Anyway, truth  be told - today I just feel like a bit of a goose.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear Poppy turned up OK. (I certainly hope you've grounded her for causing such stress!)

My sister went through an agonising 3 days when her beloved went missing. She lay awake at night - certain she could hear him distantly crying... turned out he'd got himself locked in the neighbour's garage. The upside for her was that afterwards he became very affectionate and stayed very much at home. (He's usually a bit stand offish and a bit of a wanderer.)