Tuesday, June 03, 2008

No more

Today is as good as any, I thought.

One of the things that was stopping me from attempting the first item on my new year's resolution list, was the fact that the thought of it terrified me.

"Too hard, too hard, too hard," followed by "la, la, la, not listening" and perhaps a modicum of gentle rocking back and forth were my very grown up response to the simple fact that deliberately inhaling carcinogenic substances was perhaps not the best thing to do and that perhaps I should stop.

So, here I go.


G in Berlin said...

Well, I still can't make myself get to the gym- and I MUST START. But I stopped smoking on January 18, 1999 and I haven't had a cigarette since, so it can be done. But for me, it required Welbutrin as a smoking cessation aid. After 16 years of smoking, I have not had a cigarette since then. I'd be happy to chat about it with you if you like, but in any case: good for you! Go for it! You can do it!

Snooker said...

Congratulations on your resolve!
The good think about stopping with the cancer sticks is that in as little as a month you can begin to feel a difference!