I'm giving myself a big tick on this item in my new year's resolution list.
I started German lessons today at the VHS. First impressions are good - the teacher is engaging and my fellow students seem quite fun, so it should be a good way to spend the next 5 weeks.
The class consists of people from a delightful array of countries: Spain, Surinam, France, Mexico, Brazil, Romania, Bulgaria, and in lane 8 representing Australia - me.
We kicked off with the traditional interview and introduce your partner to the rest of the class game - and it seems most people like riding bicycles and swimming - except for my partner who told me his hobby was storytelling (Geschichten erzählen). I'm so going to sit next to him tomorrow, maybe he'll tell me a story.
Hi- your resolutions are much like mine. Joined a gym, but need to get there:-), am in my second course at VHS,am in the process of constructing my blog (it's not quite ready for prime time but it's out there) and I am determined to de-lurk- so, again, hi, and I am reading with enjoyment.
Cool! I took a portraiture class there, which I guess isn't the same thing at all really, but it just amuses me greatly to read you blog and actually know exactly where you are talking about. Viel Spass beim Deutschlernen!
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