That fact that Halloween was last night had completely escaped my attention for a number of reasons:
- I've been somewhat housebound due to a minor cash flow crisis
- My grasp of German is tenuous at best, and therefore I find it challenging to comprehend my environment
- I don't watch the telly or read newspapers (see reason 2)
So, I did actually have a 2.5 microsecond window to solve the following equation:
A + B = CUnfortunately, I didn't.
A = Presence in a shop
B = Instance of Halloween
C = Purchase of lollies
The instant the door bell rang I knew I was in big trouble.
I proffered by best apologies, in German of course, and tried to explain that I was from Australia, and therefore not wise in the ways of Halloween. The children were reluctant to go away empty handed, so I dashed into the kitchen and grabbed the the contents of the fruit bowl and distributed the fruit amongst the very disappointed looking children. So, what was in the fruit bowl? 3 oranges, 1 tomato and a very manky looking lemon.
Children of Mainz, I'm sorry.
Image: FreeDigitalPhotos.net
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