Friday, October 26, 2007

Marriage - the third quarterly report


It is with pleasure that I report another impressive quarterly performance of H&R Inc despite some long running administrative issues.

  • Non-failure of the month long Deutschsprache Kurs
  • A fabulous visit from Belinda & Sally which included a whirlwind tour of various German cities and a fabulous bike tour of the Rhine
  • The arrival of H&R Incs newest nephew (hello Angus)
  • Another fabulous visitor (now if we can only get them NOT to leave)
  • A week long "festival of birth" to celebrate R's birthday which included the consumption of the "Howard Park" (props to Roger)
Outlook for the fourth quarter:
With the onset of the cooler weather and impending arrival of the Christmas season, H is hoping to see some snow and is planning a snowball fight at the earliest opportunity.

The shareprice remains depressed, but steady. The much anticipated bailout package from the ATO has been forthcoming and the shareprice is set to rise in the coming quarter.

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