Saturday, May 26, 2007

Marriage - the first quarterly report

Originally uploaded by heliospheric

It is with great pleasure that I am able to bring to your attention the strong performance of H&R Inc in their first quarter together as a company.

  • A fabulous wedding, attended by family and friends
  • Frenzied, but utimately successful preparation for international relocation
  • Arrival and negotiation of red tape in Germany
  • Survival of the cats, despite one half (non-executive director) of the company threatening to downsize the corporation

Outlook for the second quarter:
Things are looking extremely positive for the second quarter, as the company moves into its new Bretzenheim headquarters.

The shareprice remains steady and gains are expected during the second quarter.

With love,
the CEO

PS: The are more photos of the wedding

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

don't you mean co-ceo