You will be pleased to hear that I passed the 'abschluss test' for my Deutschkurs. I can hear your collective sighs of relief.
I understand just enough German to be dangerous....they'll never know what hit them. My verbs continue to be all over the shop, and my grasp on the correct usage of personal pronouns remains tenuous, but I'm ready to go forth and converse - badly.
So, if in the coming weeks you see confused and perplexed locals wandering around, don't be alarmed, I've probably just tried to engage them in conversation. I'm sure they'll recover - eventually.
I'm glad that my Deutschkurs soesn't have a test, because I think that I have1.forgotten all my Deutsche after 2 weeks in the US and 2. will forget any that I regain when I have the two month break after this semester ends in 2 weeks!
Congratulations- is this the end of your studying or do you have more to come?
Try your newly acquired language skills out on the "Tin Shed on Wheels" folks.
They're expecting you...
g in berlin: I've so much more to learn - probably a solid year of study ahead of me. Don't worry - it does come back to you eventually... du musst üben, üben, üben.
jb - I'm planning to drop by the tin shed on wheels on Saturday for coffee. We have a visitor this weekend - so I'm expecting some excellent photography opportunities.
Ha ha! You would be amazed how communicative you can be in German with almost no grammar. I did it for about the first six months when
What on earth is the tin shed on wheels?
Hey part of my sentence got deleted. How odd.
The 'tin shed on wheels' is a coffee van at the market - one of the few places in Mainz (in my opinion) that serves a recent coffee. It is an old citroen van that has corrugated panels - and kind of looks like a tin shed.
As for the unfortunate truncations - I have no idea.....
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