Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Haus Frau Disaster #2

Note to self: Turn on the light while sorting the washing

So, it was early, and I wanted to get a load of washing on before German lessons, and I rummaged through the laundry basket to put a load together ready to take down to the cellar where the washing machine lives, and unwittingly included my favourite black cardigan (or Unsworth*, as I like to call them).

I threw the clothes into the machine and mindlessly selected a 60 degree wash.

The result - a shrinky dink Unsworth.

Please note, I am a proper scientist and have included a mobile phone in the photo for scale. That cardigan would be lucky to fit a 2 year old.

I loved that Unsworth - it was lovingly made by the good people of China from extra fine Australian Merino wool.

* Unsworth - named in honour of Barrie Unsworth the former NSW Premier who had a penchant for wearing cardigans.

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